An Eco-friendly New Year

So, like it always does, this year has passed as quickly as last year did or somehow even quicker. You feel like No! didn’t I just celebrate welcoming 2015 like a few months back? But then it strikes you that its going to be a whole year since that happened! New Year wouldn’t be complete without the essential guilt about  our past behavior and a passionate thought to ‘do better’ this coming year. You suddenly find yourself making a quick
mental note or even scribbling your resolutions on a piece of paper, striving to make it happen this time at least. So, I haven’t really made resolutions to lose weight and keep a check on the money I spend because my intuitions tell me that it’s going to fade away in two months time.
What I have done is considering ‘Greening’ my  resolutions! The beauty of a greener life is that it not only contributes to a healthier world , but it makes you and your family healthier too.

After all, we have somehow managed to pass doomsday for so many years, but for how long, is the question!


While I have resolved to ‘green my diet’, I have resolved to ‘green my home’ too. They are simple. Something we all can do at home. Having plants everywhere will make your home breathe. Greening your decor will give your home a healthy face lift.

Using organic elements and a lot of plants is the main idea. Get rid of all those poison plastics and consider sourcing Eco-friendly renovation supplies. I have compiled all those images that have inspired me to go green. I hope they inspire you too!


Try using organic elements in washrooms as well. You will be the closest to nature with plants all around. Open bathrooms are so much in trend these days too. You can even give your washroom an ancient feel, It just adds to the coziness.


How do you like the idea of an Eco-friendly dressing room? Use  old discarded drawer boxes and revive an antique this year. Upcycling  is a great idea to save the environment too.


I hope these have given you enough inspiration to work on your green resolution. After all, we are truly the happiest when we are closest to nature. I hope you all have a Happy Happy New Year!

Published by meetmehalfwayblog

I am a Textile designer by profession, a nature lover and an even greater foodie at heart. This world is a pretty big place to experience everything at one go. I’m here to share all those experiences and travel stories that have made a mark on me and has changed me in one way or the other. Everybody knows the commercial ones. It’s the offbeat ones that not a lot of people know about. I hope this blog helps :)

2 thoughts on “An Eco-friendly New Year

  1. looking at some plants which emit oxygen enven at nite, would also be a great n healthy option… there are few such plants which could fitinto our homes, also adding abundance of oxygen to breath in..

    Liked by 1 person

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